Then again, maybe Steven got his first inklings that something was amiss with his reality after his crossover episode with Uncle Grandpa, one of the most notorious fourth-wall breakers ever. They give some PSAs to the kids watching at home. And what do they decide to do with this forbidden knowledge? Well, given how wholesome both Garnet and Steven are, the answer is clear. If Garnet can see beyond time and space and Steven possesses an unparalleled knowledge of pop culture, then perhaps the two of them put together are finally able to realize the artifice of their own reality and conceive of the fact that they exist within a TV show. Why Sunstone has this ability is never explained, but there's a surprisingly plausible reason that emerges when you think about what happens when you mash up the powers of Garnet with the sensibilities of Steven. In the middle of various action scenes, Sunstone regularly pauses to turn to the camera and address the viewer, often warning them to not mimic the dangerous stunts that they're attempting. Without further ado, these are the most powerful Gems in Steven Universe.

Depending on your criteria, any of these Gems that we discuss today could be considered the strongest Gem of all time, but for our money, there's a pretty clear winner in the end. After all, a power is only as useful as its user makes it. There's physical power, magical might, the ability to break reality itself, and rarest of all, the wisdom to know how and when to apply your power for maximum effectiveness. Looking back on the many Gems we meet throughout the series, the question inevitably arises, who's the most powerful one? It's a difficult question because there are many different kinds of power.
By the series finale, the team has reached peak levels of superhero ridiculousness, so far from being grounded that they're often, quite literally, in outer space. History Frybo Pearl tried to explain to Steven Universe that the shards have a powerful.
Steven discovers that his three guardians have quite a bit more power than he once thought, and as the foes the Crystal Gems face become ever greater, Steven has to develop new abilities in order to keep up. All Gems of War contents are owned by Infinity Plus Two. However, over the course of the series, the power level slowly ramps up.