Mighty Glacier: As of Twilight of the Arnor, the Arceans have bonuses to fleet combat and invasions, but a penalty to ship speed.They're freed by the Terran First Fleet early on in the third. Made a Slave: By the Drengin, after the second game.Honor Before Reason: Their culture's emphasis on honor can lead them to do some stupid things on occasion.This is why they're considered a "Neutral" civilization, despite canonically being on the side of the heroic races. Blue-and-Orange Morality: As mentioned above, they don't seem to care about conventional views of "good" and "evil", instead basing their decisions entirely on honor.Before meeting the Terrans, the Drengin shared the same feeling. Arch-Enemy: The Drengin, all the way back to their first attempt to invade Arcea 250,000 years ago.Their morality is in fact entirely defined by honor: they will always try to avoid being shamed and to gain and preserve glory. They are shrewd and cunning warriors, and are extremely difficult to take by surprise.Īrceans are known for their honorable lifestyle. They are also old enemies of the Drengin. The Arceans formed friendships with the Altarians early in their history, and readily accept the Terrans as well. One of the oldest space-faring civilizations, and the co-inventors of FTL travel in the form of the Stargates. Psychic Powers: They are gifted with rather more psychics than most other species, and consider prophecy to be a valid source of information.Space Elves: This is how they act in many ways, although they are more willing to cooperate with "lesser" races than most examples.Be evil (even Necessarily Evil or just ruthless for pragmatic reasons), and they will try to "correct" you.

Knight Templar: Get along with them and be generally nice to others, and they'll be nice back.Turns out they were the result of a heavy Arnor presence on Altaria/Elemental, created by Draginol during his slumber within their world. This is supported by the fact that, genetically speaking, they are far more similar to the Terrans and Earth-evolved organisms than they are to anything on Altaria. The prophecy that they claim foretold the meeting with the Terrans apparently states that the Altarians are not naturally evolved, and non-native to their homeworld. Human Aliens: Which confuses everybody, themselves included.Fortunately, their religion seems to be one of the most friendly and benevolent ones in existence, so this is not as bad as it could be. The Fundamentalist: They are highly religious, which has a major impact on their actions.Big Good: How they see themselves, anyway.

The most shocking revelation is that Altaria had another name in the days of the Arnor-Dread Lord war: Elemental. The third game's Retribution expansion reveals why they look so much like humans: Draginol crashed into Altaria millions of years ago, subconsciously creating a race identical to humanity in his slumber. The Altarians greeted their "cousins" the Terrans with open arms, seeing the meeting between the two species as the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy.Īltarians are known for their friendliness and benevolence, but they are hostile and unforgiving to those they regard as evil.

Old allies of the Arceans, who happen to look near-identical to the Terrans.